Weight gain is a complex problem that may be different for each person.  As such, there is no cookie cutter formula that leads to weight loss for everyone.  I see weight gain as a symptom of an underlying problem or problems.  We have to think more comprehensively than most weight loss programs are willing to do.  Whether the focus is on weight loss or any number of other things every one of our wellness programs focuses on nutrition, detox, fitness, hormones, and mentoring.  A wellness program on its own will likely result in weight loss if the person is in a position where they need to lose weight.  Wellness/health programs really are the best way to achieve optimal health with the lowest amount of risk.  Once a healthy baseline is established I also incorporate metabolic analysis with customized nutrition and exercise plans.  In rare cases the changes come slowly and prescription medication is used as a bridge while the effects of the lifestyle take hold.  If necessary, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

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