Joshua J. Jacobson, APRN, CNPOwner
Cuyuna IV is owned and operated by Joshua J. Jacobson, APRN, CNP. Josh has been dedicated to healthcare and helping people feel better for over 20 years. He started working as a nursing assistant as a teenager and has not stopped serving patients since. He has always felt called to advance what he does for people, and so has always been working to improve his practice and add to what he is able to do to help people.
Working as an ICU nurse helped him see the benefit of IV therapy firsthand. Now, as a Family Nurse Practitioner with experience in internal medicine, emergency medicine, and orthopedics he is excited to begin helping people optimize their health and wellness through IV, therapeutic injections, and comprehensive wellness programs.

Brandi Foote, RN, BSNNurse
Brandi Foote, RN, BSN grew up in Crosby, MN. She has worked in the healthcare field for ten years. Working within a variety of settings from long-term care to the ICU. Currently she has been working in an outpatient chemotherapy/infusion center for the last two years working with different cancers, hematologic disorders, and other chronic and acute conditions. She is looking forward to using her learned nursing skills and knowledge to assist our program with infusion therapy. She is looking forward to providing our clients with the utmost respect and care.